So i have been meeting to update this for a while. So I'm just gotta sit here for a bit and write out whats been going on in the fabulous life of the Bouge's.
**so this will make you laugh** I have typed this before and was almost ready to publish it and my lovely layla pushed a button and it deleted all my pictures and posts! So I get to type this ALL over again :)
So lets see...
So lets see...
Currently Don and I are still working at the bank. I haved worked there for 8.5 years now and Don will be hitting his 7 years. I'm just thankful we both have jobss.
Next month Don and I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary! I cannot believe how fast time goes by! We have accomplished and done so much since we've been married. I'm so blessed to have Don in my life! He is a wonderful husband and awesome dad to our baby girl.
As for me (Ashley) nothing new has changed. Just working and playin' wife and mamma (which is my favorite thing in the whole world). Being a coaches wife i get the privilage to attend all/most of Don's basketball games/tournements. It's so fun to see his team improve and watch Don do what he loves most! In my spare time I love to do crafts its the only thing to keep me sane! Lately I have been into sewing and making baby things for Layla and Maelie (Kyle's baby girl).
Don's coaching buisness is going well! He started his club basketball tem "Phoenix Flyers" a year ago or so. It's so fun to watch his team and kids improve. Don is such an awesome coach! He is so willing to help each kid reach their full potential. Don is completely emersed with his coaching life! So in the Bouge house hold all we do is think about basketball. Miss Layla is the teams head cheer leader! She loves to sit and watch the ball move back and forth across the court. Her favorite thing to do is to cheer while Dons team is shooting free throws. Don calls Layla his " LITTLE ALL AMERCIAN ALLSTAR." Layla can sleep through an entire game and no even be phased by the whistles or buzzers.
Miss Layla is 8.5 months now! She is getting so BIG! At her 6th month appointment back in May the doctor told us she was in the 97% for her height and 85% in her weight. At that time she was the size of a 10 month old. Now she is the size of a 1 year old. She's starting to scoot backwards but hasnt figured out how to move forward. She has been trying to stand and pull her self up. I think she'll skip the whole crawling stage. She can say Daddy (still working on mamma). She can clap, wave and give high fives. Her new favorite thing to do is shake her finger like she's saying no no and then laugh. She's a funny little girl. My favorite things she does is laugh and give mamma kisses! She just reiceved 2 teeth within the past couple weeks. She has this new smile where she scrunches her nose and shows off her pearls!She is the best! I don't know how i got so lucky to have such a perfect little girl
Back in April my bro kyle and Tonya and baby Maelie moved back to AZ. Temporarily they are living with my parents. Baby Maelie is only 3 weeks younger than Layla. Miss Maelie is ALWAYS on the go! She crawls, scoots and stands all over the place. When these 2 figure out the whole running and walking thing oh man are we in trouble! You can see the little twinkle in these little girls eyes! It's so fun having Layla and Maelie be so close they are learning to share and play together! (They do take turns taking eachothers toys.)
I'm so thankful to have my mamma and sisters watch Layla for me while Don and I work to pay those dang bills.
So there ya go that is the life of the Bouge's I'll do my best to keep this updated.
Here are some pictures, ENJOY!