Monday, December 8, 2008

The adventure of Layla

So my pregnancy was awesome ... I was never sick ...didnt gain tooo much weight thought I was going to get away with it being perfect! but oh how was I wrong..

On October 20th I went to my doctor appointment thinking everything was normal and wishful thinking that the doctor was going to send me to the hospital because I was in labor..
Well thats when the real adventure started. I ended up having high blood pressure they took it like 3 different times and they were afraid that I had symptoms of preclemsia so they sent me to the hospital. We were there for like 3 hours and ended up being sent home, not only that but they put me on bedrest. NOT KEWL! They ended up sending me to the hospital 3x that week to be induced! Everytime I went I was like whoo today is the day! But I ended up being sent home everytime because it wasn't working, we were so frusterated I swore i was going to be pregnant forever!!
Well on November 1st they sent me to the hospital to be induced again, by then i was preg 41 weeks and 1 day....that baby was coming out!!!! They tried inducing me the same way again, and it still didn't work and I had crazy high blood pressure so they finally decided to take me.
It was an intresting night! As soon as they put me in my labor room I finally started going into labor on my own! I was like dude for real? they should have just put me here in the first place..Because I had crazy high blood pressure and had preclemsia I was put on all kinds of meds..I was a little loopy! The epideral man ended up being my best friend! All I could think about was having my little baby in my arms ( We didn't know if it was going to be a boy or girl)After only 20 mintues of pushing my baby was born! It was a GIRL!!! we were overcome with all kinds of emotions! Our little Layla Rachael Bouge was born November 2nd 2008 7:41am
she was 7lbs 14ounces 21 inches long. She was perfect!


Kyle&Tonya said...

Oh Ash... Layla is soooo cute! I'm glad you're finally doing this blogging thing, dont worry about all the cutsy stuff its you guys we want to see and hear about! Love ya!

Jason and Ronda said...

Ashley! You started a blog! I am so happy that you did. You little girl is SO cute! I still can't believe you're a mommy. keep in touch!

Morris said...

shes so cute i cant wait for our little ones to be friends. im so glad you started a blog so i can stay upadate! love you

Hatch Family said...

Congratulations!!!! She is so cute. We are glad that you guys have a blog. Please email me at with you blog address so that we can add you to our friends and family. We love ya.

Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

Ashley! I didnt know you had a blog... and I didnt know the details of your delivery either! thats crazy!
My sister, Ashley had preeclampsia and had her baby a couple months early on christmas eve! so.. we know how hard that can be!

The Schultz Family said...

So I see that you update this sooo often...but I will totally keep checking in!! Your baby is adorable. She probably looks a little different now... :)

Ashley and Don Bouge said...

Sorry I keep meaning to update! I will be doing it soon!! Stay tuned!